Annual report 2023

The Chief Editors and authors, the Ordinary Council and pnn ag worked together intensively again last year. EGONE was once again able to count on the help of many specialist authors and the update process continued to make great progress. Unfortunately, a few final updates are still lagging behind the ambitious schedule.

EGONE - the e-learning program for the specialist fields of gynaecology, obstetrics, neonatology and endocrinology is aimed at medical students with EGONEbasic and doctors in further training as specialists and all members of gynécologie suisse SGGG with EGONEplus.

In 2023, interested parties from all of these user groups made active use of EGONE: A large number of medical students enrolled at Swiss universities, over 500 assistants from Swiss postgraduate clinics and also almost 500 students from foreign university hospitals. In addition, all regular members of the SGGG also have access to EGONE. There is always positive feedback from all sides, which spurs the editorial team!

English is the main language of EGONE, with German or French as a second language. In 2023, EGONE was once again able to count on the valuable and indispensable support of many medical specialists who contributed as chief editors, authors, reviewers or proofreaders. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all these people!

The good working rhythm with the Chief Editors continued throughout 2023. EGONE E-Learning started in 2024 with around 72 updated chapters translated into English. They are published in the password-protected area of the e-learning platform. Around 15 chapters were under revision by specialist authors; authors are still being sought for updates to a small number of scripts. At the same time, chapters that were revised, translated into English and published some time ago are already being checked again to ensure they are up to date and revised if necessary, so that continuous maintenance of the content can be guaranteed. 

Thanks to the preparatory work carried out in 2023, three new chapters on “Endocrinology of pregnancy”, “Basic knowledge about the female hormonal circuit” and “Basic knowledge about the male hormonal circuit” were published in the specialist area of endocrinology at the start of 2024. In addition, the first case vignette questions on endocrinology were published in collaboration with the Junge Forum gynécologie suisse (JFOR). This collaboration with JFOR will be continued in 2024 so that additional case vignette questions can be published.

Thanks to the collaboration with Rosenfluh Verlag, the revised EGONE chapter on “Polyps of the corpus and cervix uteri” by Dr. Susanne Lanz and Prof. Michel Mueller (Inselspital Bern) was published for the first time in issue 5 of the Swiss Journal of Gynecology. 

The start-up funding from gynécologie suisse SGGG ended in 2019. Since 2020, economic responsibility has been borne entirely by the external operator, pnn ag, which was founded as a spin-off company from ETH Zurich. Despite the contributions of the many Swiss training centers, it is dependent on finding new customers to cover the running costs of operating EGONE. 

Overview Ordinary council

  • Dr. med. Roger Rytz
  • Prof. Dr. med. Michael Mueller
  • Dr. med. Thomas Eggimann
  • Prof. Dr. med. Viola Heinzelmann-Schwarz
  • Prof. Dr. med. Christian De Geyter
  • Prof. Dr. med Seraina Schmid
  • Prof. Dr. méd Begoña Martinez de Tejada
  • Representation Junges Forum (JFOR)
  • PD Dr. med. Eric Giannoni (assessor)
  • pnn ag (assessor)

Overview Chief Editors

  • Prof. Dr. med. Viola Heinzelmann-Schwarz
  • Prof. Dr. méd. Begoña Martinez de Tejada
  • Prof. Dr. med. Olav Lapaire
  • Prof. Dr. med. Christian De Geyter
  • Prof. Dr. med. Leonhard Schäffer

Outlook 2024

In 2024, the updates to the remaining chapters should be completed and all scripts published in English. This will provide pnn ag with the basis for acquiring new EGONE customers, hopefully also in English-speaking countries. 

In recognition of the great commitment of the specialist authors, the EGONE Prize will be awarded for the first time at the 2024 Annual Congress of gynécologie Suisse.

We would like to thank the Expert Council, the Chief Editors and, above all, the training centers and our users for their great support.